Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Henny Penny ORFA

I've been juggling a LOT. The ORFA: Jorune, originally promised in an early issue of SEGMENT: SHO-CAUDAL, is up to the Henny Penny Stage.

Who will help me bake the byritt?

I will send you the PDF with the 98% complete text with a character sheet. I ask for feedback. I don't get it, but I'll ask. Pro forma.

Character sheet - back cover - Isho and Langages
Status is:

  • ORFA System, complete. I will take the ORFA from Jorune for rework to a Pulp setting and focus on that for a bit. I have this thing for Earth, July, 1937.
  • Character Generation, complete. Really. I have opened several races for Player Character option. I have also closed some races because I think they create an imbalance of knowledge and power that makes for a crappy gaming experience.
  • Isho (the Special Effect for ORFA: JORUNe0, complete. And I mean COMPLETE.
  • Character Sheet, complete.
  • Racial Descriptions*: Incomplete.
  • Price list: To be added from pervious.
  • Cover**: In process.
  • Programmed PDF: Abandoned.***

* A few paragraphs. Will happen, just a detail for the final release. I think most of you know how to describe a Woffen.
** I have a couple of unpublished Miles Teves roughs that I will use one as the foundation for an ORFA: JORUNE cover. And I'm pretty clear on which one to use. Teves will be treated as "pencils," and I will provide "inks" and color.
*** Programming the fields of the PDF was getting too time-consuming. I decided I will do a version for me to use to pre-generate the characters promised in Sholari v2n1 and other parts of the SSC project, export to a workable .jpg for character sketches from the mythos. For a free project, more than required. I am okay with pulling the plug.

From Super Secret
Jorune Project X. Bwah ha ha.
ORFA: JORUNE will be a Creative Commons free download. I may make a print version available on, but only expect to sell about 20. 20 seems to be the magic number for Jorune projects.

ORFA has two basic ruled: Rule #1, have fun. Rule #2, Sholari Rules. No arguing. Period. The system requires you build a Target Number and a roll of 1d20 (translations are provided). You will know success or failure and from that success the degree of success (such as damage). One Roll Fits All. Simple. Combat becomes deadly fast and can almost happen in real time after a couple of run-throughs. Throwing a dysha is as simple as throwing a knife. All of the goals for a playable Jorune are met.

After the Henny Penny phase, ORFA will be sent to the SSC subscribers. It does not count as the Beyond subscribers list - just fulfillment on an old promise.

SEGMENT: SHO-CAUDAL still grows, but I'm spinning off pars into separate releases. Like the ORFA: JORUNE. I also have "Jorune Bashing," which may be folded into the final SSC #13 release.

I am also focusing on video. An Introduction To Jorune which includes the video from the Alien Logic game (with my voice, possible re-recorded with new music) and details on the editions, covers, intro to the world, and races that goes up on YouTube is the goal. No date set.

I will leave the offer for advance subscriptions to my next five commercial products, none of which have been named on this page. Support just allows me to buy groceries and wrap up my Jorune. If you want to sponsor the arts you can go to a PayPal donation page for the next 3, the next five, or a donation of your own choosing. I think I produce enough to make it worth your investment. The page is here.

Several of the subscribers have said nice things to me, and I appreciate the feedback. People who white at me, that I didn't do what they had in their head what they wanted me to do but never said so - pfffffft. (Tthe sound of a raspberry.) People who name something that needs correcting, or help me make corrections (including spellings, even of Joruni words), are gold. I really do appreciate them. The people who said the nice things are jewels to be appreciated and set in the gold filigree. To put in the memorial for Saress.

That's right, I killed her. Assassinated in the Allonkarb family squabble. The dharsage took damage, too. Nyah.

This week I gave up ownership of the domain name. The new owner will release such information as he sees fit on his schedule. I'm remaining available to help where I can. But, another door walked through.

I really do feel that with I take the sign out of the window and turn off the lights, I will have done it right.

There is a fnord in this posting.

Who said "Can't Get No Satisfaction?"

Well, they're WRONG!

It's getting finalized to the point where a cover is becoming an issue. I have an unpublished sketch for Jorune from Miles Teves I am considering redrawing to make a cover that is both original and draws from the Delineator of Jorune. (Not to discount the other talents who have added to the visual mythos.)

I'm speaking of ORFA: JORUNE. It is finally coming together. I may even make a print version available on

Saturday, June 22, 2019

An Interruption in Service

I don't go into great detail on my medical stuff these days. People don't like that. And it is distracting. Let's just say that as the result of my most recent medical - 'focus' - I am distracted from the speed completion of my projects.

Which is not to say that I am not working on things. Just not things as quickly as I would like. Something every day, no matter what.

That means I am doing the next project, SONG OF ORPHANS, while I am waiting on final edit pass on CLIMBING THE SPIRAL MOUNTAIN from the acknowledge editor in Connecticut, and I am continuing work on the Jorune projects - SEGMENT: SHO-CAUDAL #13 (and final) and the ORFA: JORUNE write up.

Every day. A few hours on one of those. Or the marketing side of all of it.

And I have more that could be plugged in for activity not related to these four. Like - art. Drawing for the cover of COLLECTED DANSTEAD TRAVELLER. And a new interest - pour art. Using liquid acrylic in a diluting medium to create very organ, uncontrollable interactions of paint, medium, silicon (WD40), a heat gun... it will be easier to share the results than explain, when that gets done. I think of it is a visual interpretation of the Isho flow or a naull. Probably in this next week - the space is being cleared.

Should I even mention the indexed version of RECOVERY READER?

You know, I'm starting to see that I do have a "style" in my use of language for posts here, the companion blog (Oh No, Not More Damn Joe Stuff), Facebook and personal emails. I create words to explore concepts or relationships. I use the comedic "pay-off" structure regularly. I like violating expectation in those pay-offs. I love adjectives and adverbs to describe. I have improved my conjunction problem (reducing my run-on sentences). My use of ellipses (and its cousin, the hyphen) has been reduced.

All of which is for the benefit of my readers.

I have a couple dozen, but it's the thought that counts. I hope to have more in the near future.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

ORFA: Jorune

The long-promised ORFA: Jorune is about to get real. Filling in details on creatures of that world and brief racial summaries for gameplay. There is SO MUCH material through the free files - hundreds of pages.
This has been a long time coming, but my subscribers will be getting their copies before long.
The character sheet is being programmed in Acrobat to allow type-in for a clean character sheet and simple calculations for the automatic numbers. Five Stats, Ten Derived Skills for everyone, five possible Isho Derived Skills, 10 benefits from background concept, and pools of points to spend on Named Skills under each Stat. The sheet has full Isho and Languages/Cultures on the back. Quick and general references on the front. 
I hope people find it's worth the wait.
ORFA: Jorune Character Sheet - Front

ORFA: Jorune Character Sheet - Back

Friday, June 7, 2019

13 and ORFA

ORFA: Jorune and OFRA: Pulp
should be out shortly.
More than a week since my last. Drama on the hoof, but Jorune again provides a nice escape from the reality of this world.

SSC #13 just keeps growing. I seriously have to take a beager bat to the new things that come up or channel them over to another world where I can have a shot at some serious money from them.

I have about 20 subscribers whose subscriptions are coming to an end.

I have about a dozen who have bought "the next... 3, or 5" projects. They will get it. I think I will end the Advance Subscription offer at the end of this month. Next three, or next five whatever they are. They'll be more expensive on DriveThruRPG, but the advance money is nice. Supports me while I'm in the spew-Jorune mode.

But most recently the final version of ORFA was completed, and I am working on the ORFA: JORUNE and JORUNE BASHING, which I consider to be part of the SSC project.

Then ... the more.

JORUNIGRAPHICA will take me about two days of serious sit down to complete, and another day or so to lay out. Part of the SSC, too.

Beyond that, I have the COLLECTED volumes and GOMO GUIDE: TAN IRID.

I hope to have all this out by the end of the year. It will be released as it is done. No real schedule. Depends on how much time I need to get away from this planet